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  • The history of Phi Sigma Phi begins not so much with an actual date, but rather with the evolution of ideals and dedication to independence and freedom of choice. On July 30, 1988, in South Bend, Indiana, Phi Sigma Phi National Fraternity was formally organized to serve as a national organization, uniting college men who wished to share in the spirit of true friendship and brotherhood. Years of fraternity experience and know-how laid the foundation of this new national fraternity. 
  • The group of alumni and undergraduate college men who were the driving force behind the formation of Phi Sigma Phi were alumni and former chapter members of Phi Sigma Epsilon who elected not to participate in a merger between Phi Sigma Epsilon and Phi Sigma Kappa in 1985. Seven chapters and select alumni supported this new and independent organization. 
  • Although there was strong support for this new fraternity from many campuses and alumni, the first years of Phi Sigma Phi's existence were difficult. During the years of 1988 through 1990, the National Fraternity struggled for survival, and expansion was nonexistent. Establishing new national programs, publications, visitations, and a new financial program were top priorities and took most of the new National Fraternity's energy and efforts.

Goals, Objectives & Philosophies

  • Established to provide all college men with free choice and an opportunity to be part of a national fraternity without prejudice or prejudgment.
  • Create an atmosphere which will lead to wholesome and productive mental, moral, emotional, physical and spiritual growth. 
  • Promote a well-rounded college student by helping those college men who wish to develop their full potential. 
  • Help college students realize the need to include activities other than academics to complement their education while in college. Also, for the student to develop those other skills important for successful postgraduate interaction with society that aren't necessarily taught in the classroom.

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Nathan Church
National Executive Director
(937) 689-7677
6771 Gifford Way
San Diego, CA 92111